Welcome! Techlexica "Blawg" by Antone Johnson

[Update: Renamed Techlexica as of 2022 to match Twitter account and forthcoming Substack.]

Introducing Mashtag by Antone Johnson, a California business lawyer and social media executive, observing social media, entrepreneurship, and all things at the intersection of people, capital, technology, and creativity. And what a busy intersection it has become!

The name Mashtag is a mashup of the words “mashup” and “hashtag” — neologisms that symbolize the new and complex web of relationships among users of social media.  By now, it’s no secret that as disintermediation accelerates in a Web 2.0 world, traditional notions of intellectual property, methods of distributing content, and centralized editorial control are facing unprecedented challenges.  I plan to touch upon these themes while addressing subjects and events of interest within the general realm of social media, Web 2.0, digital media and similar consumer-facing, IP-intensive businesses, from the viewpoint of a business lawyer and executive who managed the global legal affairs of a major consumer Internet company during the ascendance of online social networking as a cultural phenomenon.

This blog is aimed at both lawyers and non-lawyers (including “recovering attorneys“).  Unlike esoteric “ABA Journal Blawg Directory” which speak to attorneys and academics in hypertechnical jargon, the goal here is to make the principles accessible to a broader audience of talented, entrepreneurial business and technology professionals who have the passion and analytical skills to unpack and debate some of the most interesting issues of the new decade — but are too busy creating things and doing deals to become armchair lawyers reading scholarly legal publications.

Thanks for joining us!  I invite you to stick around for the conversation.

– Antone

Bottom Line Law Group

Email: info@bottomlinelawgroup.com

2081 Center Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
+1 (415) 729-5405

1450 2nd Street, Suite 109
Santa Monica, CA 90401
+1 (310) 776-5484

Mastodon: @antone@sfba.social

Post: https://post.news/antone

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/antonejohnson

Twitter: @techlexica

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/antonejohnson